The Eternal God Chain is the very first future-proof Charity Chain. The Eternal God Chain is designed to accelerate the application of blockchain technology for Crypto-philanthropy. With our decentralized and direct transactions, organisations will be able to operate more efficiently and transparently.
High Efficiency
Binance smart chain achieves a 3 second block time by using consensus algorithm known as Proof of staked Authority (POSA), in with each participant stakes BNB to become Validators.
Once a transaction is confirmed, it will be broadcast to the entire network immediately, and each node will synchronously record the received transaction.
The base code of Eternal God Chain is 100% original written by us. We redesigned and improved our safety structure based on Safemoon, ensuring an enhanced security level in deeper layers.
Decentralization In the blockchain system simplifies the information update process, thereby reduces the operating cost of the organization.

London Blockchain Foundation (LBF) is a registered charity sponsored by some avant technology-oriented companies. We are dedicated to make positive impact on crypto philanthropy and devote ourselves to fill up the gaps in the traditional philanthropy industry. Our next milestone is to reach out to more people in different countries and help them realize the importance of charity. We want to help more people understand that there are various ways to give back and that they should not be limited by their means. We aim to have more philanthropists join our platform and make a difference in other lives.
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